Membership in New Jersey Lodge 46
Requirements for Membership
Active Membership in Fraternal Order of Police®, New Jersey Lodge No. 46 is open to qualified active duty and retired law enforcement personnel working or residing in the state of New Jersey. Associate membership is open to qualified non-law enforcement personnel and private citizens who qualify. Please refer to the requirements for each category of memberhsip below:
In order to qualify for ACTIVE membership in New Jersey Lodge No. 46, you:
- Must be a minimum of Eighteen (18) years of age at the time of application;
- Must be a full-time, duly sworn member of a Municipal, County, State, Interstate, or Federal law enforcement agency who has been granted the full powers of arrest, and such agency operates in and has law enforcement jurisdiction within the State of New Jersey, OR;
- Were a full-time, duly sworn member as described in 2) above who has RETIRED from Active duty in good standing, and has not been discharged or has resigned for cause from such agency, OR;
- Were a duly RETIRED law enforcement officer, who was a full-time, duly sworn member of any Municipal, County, State, Interstate, or Federal law enforcement agency from any state, who had been granted the full powers of arrest, and now have permanent residency in the State of New Jersey.
- Are not a current member of a local Lodge of the Fraternal Order of Police® anywhere unless you have been duly release and transferred from that Lodge.
- Were not a former member of a local Lodge of the Fraternal Order of Police® where you resigned from membership for cause, or your membership was suspended, revoked or terminated by such local Lodge for cause.
- Agree to pay all dues, fees and assesments to the Lodge when they are due and payable within Thirty (30) Days of such date.
- Must be sponsored for membership by an Active Member of New Jersey Lodge No. 46 in good standing before your application will be considered.
In order to qualify for ASSOCIATE membership in New Jersey Lodge No. 46, you:
- Must be a minimum of Eighteen (18) years of age, and also must be a citizen of the United States and a resident of the State of New Jersey at the time of application;
- Have not been convicted of a high felony or crime which has not been expunged;
- Are not now or have been a member of any group which advocates the overthrow of the United States, or New Jersey state governments, nor any group which advocates hate, racism or violence against law enforcement or any member of law enforcement.
- Agree to uphold and abide by the Constitution of the United States and the State of New Jersey; that you will abide by all public laws;
- Will support and assist in the goals, objectives and mission of the Fraternal Order of Police®;
- Will abide by all the rules, regulations and edicts of Fraternal Order of Police®, New Jersey Lodge No. 46, Inc., and of it's duly authorized officers and leaders.
- Are not a current Associate of any local Lodge of the Fraternal Order of Police® anywhere unless you have been duly released by that Lodge.
- Were not a former Associate of any local Lodge of the Fraternal Order of Police® where your membership was suspended, revoked or terminated for cause by such local Lodge.
- Agree to pay all dues, fees and assesments to the Lodge when they are due and payable within Thirty (30) Days of such date.
- Must be sponsored for Associate status by an Active Member of New Jersey Lodge No. 46 in good standing before your application will be considered.